Ana Duff
Duff, A., (2013). CHILD PASSENGER SAFETY IN LOCAL COMMUNITIES. 8. Међународна Конференција - Безбедност саобраћаја у локалној заједници, Дивчибаре.
Резиме: -

Кључне речи: -

Abstract: Child passenger injuries are among the leading child health issues in Serbia. The most effective measure of injury prevention to child passengers is appropriate use of child restraints and seat belts. Yet survey data suggests that, in Serbia, more than 80% of children are completely unrestrained, while among those who are restrained, almost 90% are not restrained correctly. Comparisons with other regions, Canada and Croatia in particular, show that, with sustained and systemic effort on national, regional and local levels, significant progress can be made in increasing the rate of correct child restraint use and subsequently in decreasing child passenger injuries. A survey of current activity in this area in Serbia shows there is significant potential in achieving similar results, using existing resources and initiatives through a coordinated and common effort based on education of professionals and the public, together with enforcement and strengthening of legislation.

Keywords: child, passenger, safety, restraint systems

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