Demeter Prislan
Prislan, D., (2013). PASSIVE SAFE ROAD INFRASTRUCTURE IN LOCAL COMMUNITIES – POLES FOR PUBLIC LIGHTING. 8. Međunarodna Konferencija - Bezbednost saobraćaja u lokalnoj zajednici, Divčibare.
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Abstract: According to reports of the European Transport Safety Council majority of accidents where car crashes into an obstacle happens on urban and rural roads. The most dangerous obstacles are trees that were in the times of low speed transport planted along the roads. Industrial revolution brought into urban and suburban areas also infrastructure, beside others also public lighting which gave the possibility for safer life in sense of security but also in sense of traffic. Lamps were put on columns and columns, fix obstacles along the roads, were accepted as part of a regular life. Getting injured or killed hitting the lighting column was a part of an everyday life and victims were accompanied with sorrow but also as inevitable. Every road accident was considered as the driver’s fault. The technological development and the social awareness of the factors acting in road accidents developed in the last decade presented to community different possibilities for saving lives. Today the civilized community does not leave the driver that made a mistake to pay for it but tries to prevent the worst scenario. Passive safety and forgiving roadside become trivial. Using passive safe infrastructure elements, beside others lighting columns, can bring a huge benefit also to the local community. Are the local leaders aware of this fact? Will the notion “saving lives by using passive safe infrastructure” remain just a nice talk or a true reality?

Keywords: passive safety, public lighting, energy absorption, safety level, EN 12767

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Decade of Action for
Road Safety 2011-2020