Katarina Dačović, Marko Vučković
Dačović, K., Vučković, M., (2013). UKLANjANjE VOZILA KOJA UGROŽAVAJU ILI OMETAJU BEZBEDNOST SAOBRAĆAJA. 8 th International Conference - Road Safety in Local Communities, Divčibare.
Rezime: U ovom radu biće analiziran rad pravnog lica koje obavlja poslove uklanjanja nepropisno parkiranih vozila. Na konkretnom primeru biće analiziran rad JKP „Parking servisa” Kragujevac sa aspekta uklanjanja nepropisno parkiranih vozila, kao jedne od mera društvene interakcije kojom se doprinosi urednom i bezbednom odvijanju saobraćaja u gradu. Imajući u vidu probleme u pogledu pravovremenog reagovanja nadležnih službi u uklanjanju vozila, s obzirom na stepen rizika koje nepropisno parkirano vozilo unosi u saobraćaj, kao i pitanje koje će vozilo biti uklonjeno, posebna pažnja biće posvećena kriterijumima za izbor vozila koje će biti uklonjeno. Biće prikazana tehnologija rada specijalnih vozila kojima se vrši proces uklanjanja nepropisno parkiranih vozila. Biće analizirani najčešći razlozi zbog kojih se nepropisno parkirana vozila uklanjaju i lokacije sa kojih se uklanjanje vrši. Takođe biće opisan glavni plan i program rada specijalnih vozila, a na osnovu sagledanih problema i sprovedene analize rada, biće dat predlog mera kojima se može poboljšati rad lica koje vrši uklanjanje koje vrši uklanjanje, u pogledu većeg doprinosa bezbednosti saobraćaja.

Ključne reči: specijalna vozila, nepropisno parkiranje, bezbednost saobraćaja, mere

Abstract: This paper analyzes the operation of the legal entity that performs the removal of illegally parked vehicles. In the example, the work will be analyzed JKP ‘Parking Servis’ Kragujevac in terms of removal of illegally parked vehicles as measure of social interaction which contributes to the orderly and safe flow of traffic in the city. Given the problems in terms of timely responses from the service to remove the vehicle, given the level of risk that improperly parked vehicle enters the traffic, and the question that the vehicle would be removed, special attention will be given to the criteria for the selection of vehicles that will be removed. Being technology of special vehicles that are used for the process of removing illegally parked vehicles. Will analyze the most common reasons for removing improperly parked vehicles and locations from which the removal is performed. You will describe the main curriculum for special vehicles, based on the perceived problems and conducted analysis work will be given to the proposal of measures that can improve a person performing a removal performed by removing, in terms of a greater contribution to road safety.

Keywords: special vehicles, illegal parking, traffic safety, measures

Presented by: Katarina Dačović

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Decade of Action for
Road Safety 2011-2020