Kristi Bombol, Gjorgija Paunkovski, Daniela Koltovska Nečoška
Bombol, K., Paunkovski, G., Nečoška, D., (2014). INTELIGENTNA OCENA BEZBEDNOSTI PEŠAKA NA KRUŽNIM RASKRSNICAMA U GRADOVIMA. 9 th International Conference - Road Safety in Local Communities, Zaječar.
Bezbednost pešaka na raskrsnicama je bitan element u saobraćajnom inženjerstvu. Preuređenjem klasične u kružnu raskrsnicu, međunarodna istraživanja pokazuju da je bezbednost pešaka na kružnim raskrsnicama veća nego na klasičnim koje su upravljane vertikalnom ili svetlosnom signalizacijom. Međutim, postoje i mitovi o kružnim raskrsnicama i njihovom stepenu bezbednosti kada su pešaci u pitanju.
Trend preuređenja klasičnih u kružne raskrsnice nije zaobišao gradove u Republici Makedoniji. Do sada, ne postoji bilo kakva naučna analiza bezbednosti pešaka i uticaja nove geometrije na stepen bezbednosti pešaka. To je bio motiv da napravimo prvi pokušaj u cilju ocene bezbednosti pešaka na konkretnom primeru kružne raskrsnice u gradu Bitoli. Koristeći moćne softverske alatke PTV VISSIM i u korelaciji sa softverskim programom SSAM (Safety Surrogate Assessment Model), hteli smo na inteligentan način da ispitamo agumente „za i protiv“ uvođenja kružnih raskrsnica, posebno kada je bezbednost pešaka u fokusu interesa.
U ovom radu je prikazana metodologija istraživanja, od prikupljanja podataka o saobraćajnim nezgodama sa učešćem pešaka u gradu Bitoli, veličini tokova na konkretnoj kružnoj raskrsnici, do unosa podataka u VISSIM i njihovo eksportiranje u SSAM. Dobiveni rezultati će biti od važnosti prilikom donošenja odluka lokalnih vlasti za dalju primenu kružnih raskrsnica u gradovima, njihovog vrednovanja i prihvatanja od strane lokalne zajednice u pogledu bezbednosti jedne od najranjivijih učesnika u saobraćaju kao što su pešaci.
Ključne reči:
kružna raskrsnica, pešaci, bezbednost, softverske alatke
Pedestrian safety at intersections is an important traffic engineering element. By redesigning a classical intersection into a roundabout, international research has shown that pedestrian safety is at a higher level in comparison with one at the intersections controlled by traffic signs or traffic signals. However, many myths exist about roundabouts and its safety implication on pedestrains.
The trend of redesigning urban intersections into roundabouts has not bypassed the urban areas in the Republic of Macedonia. Up till now, no any research work has been conducted investigating the impact of roundabouts on pedestrian safety. This was exactly the motive to undertake this first reseаrch try – to assess pedestrain safety on a real roundabout in the city of Bitola. Powerful software tools such as PTV VISSIM and SSAM are used as intelligent tools to investigate „pros and cons“ of introducing roundabouts when focusing pedestrian safety in particular.
In this paper the research methodology including pedestrian traffic accidents, and traffic flow data for the roundabout of matter, as well as data input in VISSIM and data export to SSAM is presented. We consider that the results obtained will be of great relevance in the decision making process for local authorities in terms of further implementation of roundabouts. On the other hand, the acquired knowledge will help the local community to valuate and/or accept roundabouts when traffic safety of the most vulnerable road users is questioned.
roundabouts, pedestrians, safety, software tools
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