Марко Славуљ, Давор Брчић, Георг-Давор Лисицин, Јулијан Јурак
Славуљ, М., Брчић, Д., Лисицин, Г., Јурак, Ј., (2016). ----. 11. Међународна Конференција - Безбедност саобраћаја у локалној заједници, Врњачка Бања.
Резиме: -----

Кључне речи: -----

Abstract: European night without accidents was launched in Belgium in 1995 for the first time. The goal of the action was to draw public attention to responsible driver behaviour in traffic, with a focus on youth education, and with a clear message, in which alcohol and driving do not go together. Action is carried out across Europe every third Saturday in the month of October. Croatia has joined this campaign in 2012, and for the fourth time, the "European night without accident” was organized, sponsored by the European Youth Forum and the “Responsible young drivers” organization. The action is organized such that the volunteers in the selected night clubs ask young people between 18 and 26 to voluntary test their breath in the breathalyser. After the termination, the members of the group choose one member among themselves who agrees not to consume alcohol and to be a designated driver on the way home. The selected driver receives a bracelet for easy recognition. At the end of the night (after leaving the night club), the drivers for whom the breathalyser test found that they did not consume alcohol (0,0 ‰), receive an award and a commemorative gift. Most of which were still intoxicated are advised not to sit behind the wheel of the motor vehicle. This paper will analyse the collected data for young drivers in 2015 under the influence of alcohol in five Croatian cities and will also make a comparison with the data from the previous years.

Keywords: young drivers, behaviour, road safety campaign, alcohol

Рад је изложио/-ла: Марко Славуљ

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Decade of Action for
Road Safety 2011-2020