Riste Temjanovski, Zivko Andrevski
Temjanovski, R., Andrevski, Z., (2017). Zakonska promena u bezbednosti saobracaja bez odgovarajuce analize. 12 th International Conference - Road Safety in Local Communities, Tara.
Rezime: Skupstina Republike Makedonije nedavno je usvojila promenu Zakona o bezbednosti u saobracaju, kojom je maksimalnu dozvoljenu brzinu kretanja putnickih automobila i druga vozila kroz naseljena mesta smanjila sa ranjih 60 na 50 kilometara na cas. U obrazlozenju ove intervencije u zakonskom tekstu je bio postavljen cilj da se poboljsa bezbednost kretanja pesaka i da se smanji broj nesreca na gradskim i seoskim ulicama, s obzirom da se vrlo cesto desavale ovakve nezgode sa tragicnim posledicama za pesake. Medjutim, cinjenica je da je ova smanjnje maksimalne brzine doneseno nabrzine, bez odgovarajucih i analiza i preduzimanja drugih koraka da bi saobracaj tekao redovno, kvalitetno i bezbedno. Naime, nisu prilagodjeni drugi uslovi - nije smanjena brzina na nekim deonicama, nije utvrdjeno koliko ce se usporiti protok vozila, te u izvesnim situacijama (kao sto je slucaj u Skoplju) nije precizno utrdjeno koji se deo puteva smatra gradskim podrucjem. Ovaj se prilog bavi istrazivanjem pozitivnih i negativnih rezultata i posledica ove zakonske promene, koristeci pritom i javno misljenje tim povodom i terenska sagledavanja.

Ključne reči: Republika Makedonija, promena zakona, smanjenja brzina, propusna moc saobracajnica, javno mnenje

Abstract: The Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia has recently adopted amending the Law on traffic safety, which is the maximum allowed speed of passenger cars and other vehicles through urban areas declined from inward 60 to 50 kilometers per hour. The explanation of this intervention in the legal text has been set the target to improve the safety of pedestrians and to reduce the number of accidents on urban and rural streets, since the very frequent occurrence of such accidents with tragic consequences for pedestrians. However, the fact is that this cutback maximum speed passed hastily without adequate analysis and taking other steps to traffic flowed regularly, quality and safety. In fact, they are not adapted to other conditions - is not reduced speed on some sections, can not be determined how much will slow down the flow of vehicles, and in certain situations (as is the case in Skopje) is not precisely utrdjeno which is part of the road is considered urban areas. This Annex deals with a study for positive and negative results and consequences of these legislative changes, by using the public opinion on this occasion and in situ observation

Keywords: The Republic of Macedonia, changes in the law, reducing the speed, throughput of roads, public opinion

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Decade of Action for
Road Safety 2011-2020