Demeter Prislan
Prislan, D., (2014). Passively safe infrastructure and its application in european countries. 9. Међународна Конференција - Безбедност саобраћаја у локалној заједници, Зајечар.
Резиме: It is obvious that a constant development of technologies in all fields of human life set out also the safety of a traffic, specially the safety in road traffic. Today, the awareness that roads should be made in a way to give as much safety as possible is already noticable compared to decades ago when the only scope of the road was to enable the movement of one's vehicle from point A to point B. Part of the road safety belongs also to the road infrastructure which can be made in accordance with the european norms for passively safe infrastructure but it can be made also disregarding these norms. How is it possible to produce, design and apply unsafe road infrastructure when we know that the society is looking for the possibilities to reduce fatalities in road traffic? While on one hand we have standards what a passively safe infrastructure is, we know how to produce it and apply, on the other hand there is no regulation on the level of European Comunity when, how and which passively safe infrastructure elements are to be used in certain situations. Each european country has its own regulation about the road passive safety and some of them are discussed in the article, with regard to the road furniture, searching for a common direction in developing the european guidelines for passively safe road infrastructure.

Кључне речи: passive safety, infrastructure, european norms

Abstract: It is obvious that a constant development of technologies in all fields of human life set out also the safety of a traffic, specially the safety in road traffic. Today, the awareness that roads should be made in a way to give as much safety as possible is already noticable compared to decades ago when the only scope of the road was to enable the movement of one's vehicle from point A to point B. Part of the road safety belongs also to the road infrastructure which can be made in accordance with the european norms for passively safe infrastructure but it can be made also disregarding these norms. How is it possible to produce, design and apply unsafe road infrastructure when we know that the society is looking for the possibilities to reduce fatalities in road traffic? While on one hand we have standards what a passively safe infrastructure is, we know how to produce it and apply, on the other hand there is no regulation on the level of European Comunity when, how and which passively safe infrastructure elements are to be used in certain situations. Each european country has its own regulation about the road passive safety and some of them are discussed in the article, with regard to the road furniture, searching for a common direction in developing the european guidelines for passively safe road infrastructure.

Keywords: passive safety, infrastructure, european norms

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Decade of Action for
Road Safety 2011-2020