Jasmina Milošević, Svetlana Miljuš, Andrijana Pesic, Miroslav Rosić, Jelena Milošević
Milošević, J., Miljuš, S., Pesic, A., Rosić, M., Milošević, J., (2017). ANALIZA UGROŽENOSTI UČESNIKA U SAOBRAĆAJU U REPUBLICI SRBIJI. 12 th International Conference - Road Safety in Local Communities, Tara.
Rezime: Podaci o saobraćajnim nezgodama i njihovim posledicama su važni, kako za analizu postojećeg stanja bezbednosti saobraćaja i sagledavanje kretanja trenda broja saobraćajnih nezgoda po godinama, tako i za definisanje planova i programa budućih mera i aktivnosti. Analize podataka o saobraćajnim nezgodama su, takođe, najčešće primenjivani alat da se utvrdi koje su kategorije učesnika ugrožene u saobraćaju. Agencija za bezbednost saobraćaja kontinuirano prati stanje bezbednosti drumskog saobraćaja na teritoriji cele Republike Srbije. Na osnovu podataka o saobraćajnim nezgodama, koje su se dogodile u Republici Srbiji, u periodu od 2011. do 2015. godine, Agencija je sprovela analizu stanja bezbednosti u saobraćaju za najugroženije kategorije učesnika u saobraćaju. U radu su izdvojene i prikazane najvažnije činjenice o stradanju različitih kategorija učesnika u saobraćaju koje su generalno prepoznate kao ciljne grupe (pešaci, biciklisti, vozači i putnici motocikala i mopeda, deca, mladi i stariji od 65 godina) u Republici Srbiji, kao i ugroženost ovih kategorija učesnika u saobraćaju za svaku od lokalnih samouprava (opštine i gradovi).

Ključne reči: Saobraćajne nezgode, Poginula lica, povređena lica, učesnici u saobraćaju, opštine i gradovi

Abstract: Data on traffic accidents and their consequences are important, both for the analysis of the current state of road safety and the perception of trend of number of road accidents per year, and for the determination of plans and programs of future measures and actions. Analyses of data on road accidents are also most widely used tool to determine what categories of traffic participants are vulnerable in traffic. Road Traffic Safety Agency continuously monitors the state of road safety on the territory of the Republic of Serbia. Based on the data on road accidents, which occurred in the Republic of Serbia, in the period from 2011 to 2015, the Agency carried out an analysis of the state of road safety for the most vulnerable traffic participants. In this paper the most important facts about the suffering of the various categories of traffic participants that are generally recognized as the target group (pedestrians, cyclists, drivers and passengers of motorcycles and mopeds, children, young people and older than 65 years) in the Republic of Serbia, as well as vulnerability of these categories of traffic participants for each of the local communities (municipalities and cities) are separated and presented.

Keywords: road accidents, fatalities, injured, traffic participants, municipalities and cities

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Decade of Action for
Road Safety 2011-2020