Jelica Davidović, Boris Antić
Davidović, J., Antić, B., (2018). NAJVAŽNIJI POKAZATELJI UMORA VOZAČA. 13 th International Conference - Road Safety in Local Communities, Kopaonik.
Rezime: Umor je element faktora čovek koji u velikoj meri utiče na raspoloženje i motivaciju, kao i na pospanost i kognitivne funkcije i sposobnosti čoveka, a samim tim i vozača. Procenjuje se da se u svetu do čak 50% saobraćajnih nezgoda dogodi zbog umora vozača. Cilj ovog rada je da se utvrdi koji faktori i u kojoj meri utiču na razvoj umora kod vozača. Analizom sprovedenih istraživanja izdvojena je lista najvažnijih pokazatelja umora, zatim je ekspertskom ocenom utvrđen rang analiziranih pokazatelja.

Ključne reči: umor, bezbednost saobraćaja, indikatori bezbednosti saobraćaja, saobraćajne nezgode

Abstract: Fatigue is a human factor who greatly affects mood and motivation, as well as sleepiness and cognitive functions and abilities of man, and therefore the driver. It is estimated that up to 50% of traffic accidents occur in the world due to driver fatigue. The aim of this paper is to determine which factors and to what extent influence the development of fatigue in the driver. By analyzing the conducted research, a list of the most important indicators of fatigue was listed, then the ranking of the analyzed indicators was determined by the expert assessment.

Keywords: fatigue, road safety, road safety performance indicators, traffic accidents

Presented by: Jelica Davidović

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Decade of Action for
Road Safety 2011-2020