Boris Antić, Alan Ross, Milan Vujanić
Antić, B., Ross, A., Vujanić, M., (2014). PRIMENA STANDARDA ISO 39001 ZA POTREBE BENCHMARKINGA U BEZBEDNOSTI SAOBRAĆAJA. 9. Međunarodna Konferencija - Bezbednost saobraćaja u lokalnoj zajednici, Zaječar.
Rezime: Standard ISO 39001, slično standardu unapređenja kvalitetea ISO 9000, ima za cilj unapređenje nivoa bezbednosti saobraćaja, kroz uočavanje ključnih problema, a time i stvaranje uslova za uspešno upravljanje u bezbednosti saobraćaja. Posebno važna primena ovog standarda ogleda se u mogućnosti primene za potrebe benchmarkinga u bezbednosti saobraćaja, čime se na jednostavan način može proceniti nivo saobraćaja konkretnog regiona – lokalne zajednice, ali i specifičnih subjekata koji primenjujući ISO 39001 posebno detaljno vode računa o bezbednosti saobraćaja. U tu svrhu, razvijena je tehnika - metod koji se sastoji u davanju kvantitativnog odgovora na svako od 150 pitanja, koja su grupisana u sedam oblasti (Kontekst, Rukovođenje, Planiranje, Podrška, Aktivnosti, Upravljanje performansama i Unapređenje). Svaka od navedenih oblasti je dalje sistematizovana na manje celine, pa se tako dobija ocena uspešnosti u procentima za svaku od sedam oblasti, slabe tačke u okviru konkretne oblasti, ali i ocena ukupnog sistema, čime se mogu uočiti problematične oblasti koje zahtevaju reagovanje primenom mera unapređenja. Primenom ove tehnike moguće je oceniti stanje konkretne lokalne zajednice u bezbednosti saobraćaja, ali se mogu i pratiti trendovi i efekti primenjenih mera u nekom periodu. U ovom radu prezentirana je primena ove tehnike za potrebe ocene stanja bezbednosti saobraćaja u transportnim sistemima različitih obima, koji na lokalnom nivou značajno mogu uticati na podizanje svesti o značaju bezbednosti saobraćaja.

Ključne reči: ISO 39001, Benchmarking, Lokalna zajednica, Bezbednost saobraćaja, Transportni sistem

Abstract: ISO 39001, like ISO 9000, is aimed at improving traffic safety through the identification of key issues, and thus for creating the conditions for the successful management of traffic safety. A particularly important implementation of this standard is reflected through possibility of its using for benchmarking in the field of road traffic safety, which can easily assess the level of traffic safety of the particular region (local community), as well as specific subjects which are implementing ISO 39001 and minutely care about traffic safety. For this purpose, the technique (method) is developed and it is based on providing quantitative answers to each of the 150 questions, which are grouped into seven areas(Context, leadership, planning, support, activities, Performance Management and Improvement). Each of these areas is further systematized into smaller units, and thus receives a mark of success in the percentages for each of the seven areas, weak points within specific areas, as well as evaluations of the overall system, which can spot problem areas that require response through measures improving . By using this technique it is possible to assess the actual state of the local communities in road safety, but also may follow trends and effects of the implemented measures in determined period. This paper presents the application of this technique for estimating the state of road safety in the transport systems of different size, which at the local level can significantly impact on raising awareness of the importance of road safety.

Keywords: ISO 39001, Benchmarking, Local Community, Traffic Safety, Transportation system

Rad je izložio/-la: Milan Vujanić

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Decade of Action for
Road Safety 2011-2020