Milena Simić
Simić, M., (2018). Analiza upotrebe sistema zaštite za decu u putničkim automobilima. 13 th International Conference - Road Safety in Local Communities, Kopaonik.
Rezime: Od ukupnog broja poginulih u saobraćajnim nezgodama oko 21% čine deca. Prema podacima UNICEF-a i Svetske zdravstvene organizacije 260 000 dece pogine i 10 miliona dece bude povređeno u saobraćajnim nezgodama svake godine. Kako bi se dete putnik u vozilu zaštitilo u slučaju saobraćajne nezgode ono mora biti zadržano unutar zaštitnog sistema ali i zaštitni sistem mora biti ispravno pričvršćen. U Republici Srbiji zakon nalaže obavezno korišćenje auto sedišta za decu starosti do 3 godine. Na teritoriji grada Beograda u julu 2017. godine je sprovedeno istraživanje koje je podrazumevalo utvrđivanje ponašanja vozača vezano za upotrebu zaštitnih sistema za decu, kao i utvrđivanje stavova, samoprijavljenog ponašanja, inforimisanosti i mišljenja roditelja o korišćenju ovih sistema. Uzorak terenskog istraživanja je činilo 400 vozila, koja prevoze makar jedno dete starosti od 0 do 6 godina, uzorak anketnog istraživanja su činili 396 roditeljadece starosti od 0 do 6 godina. Istraživanje je vršeno u okolini 7 predškolskih ustanova u dve beogradske opštine. Rezultati istraživanja su pokazali da upotreba auto sedišta za decu na teritoriji grada Beograda nije na zavidnom nivou i da treba raditi na unapređenju znanja roditelja.

Ključne reči: deca putnici, Beograd, auto sedišta, upotreba, stavovi

Abstract: Around 21% of the total number of those killed in traffic accidents are children. According to the data from UNICEF and World Health Organisation 260 000 children get killed in traffic accidents and 10 million children get injured in traffic accidents every year. In order to protect a child passenger inside a vehicle in case of a traffic accident it has to be kept within the safety system but also safety system has to be attached properly. In Serbia it is mandatory by the law to use a restraint seat for children up to 3 years-old. On the territory of Belgrade in july of 2017 a research was conducted with the aim to establish the behaviour of drivers related to the usage of restraint seat for children, also establishing attitudes, self-reported behaviour, level of awareness and opinions of parents regarding the usage of these systems. Field sample consisted of 400 vehicles transporting at least one child from 0 to 6 years-old, survey sampling was done with 396 parents of children from 0 to 6 years-old. This research has been conducted in the environment of seven preschool institutions in two municipalities of Belgrade. Results of the research have shown that the usage of child safety seats is on a poor level and that a lot should be done in order to upgrade parental knowledge.

Keywords: child passenger, Belgrade, restraint seat, usage, attitudes

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Road Safety 2011-2020