Vlado Rakočević, Ivana Subotić, Filip Trpčevski
Rakočević, V., Subotić, I., Trpčevski, F., (2014). TEHNIČKE MERE ZA USPORAVANJE SAOBRAĆAJA NA DRŽAVNIM PUTEVIMA. 9 th International Conference - Road Safety in Local Communities, Zaječar.
Rezime: Tehničke mere za usporavanje saobraćaja imaju za cilj da zaštite nemotorizovane, ranjive učesnike u saobraćaju, a istovremeno da obezbede smanjenje brzine kretanja vozila. Primenjena tehnička rešenja na putnoj mreži treba da ispunjavaju savremene zahteve u pogledu aktivne i pasivne bezbednosti, i takođe moraju biti efikasna i prepoznatljiva za sve učesnike u saobraćaju.U domaćoj regulativi i praksi tehničke mere su svedene na primenu vertikalnih prepreka, za razliku od iskustava evropskih zemalja, u kojima je pristup ka rešavanju ove vrste problema koncipiran na širem, odnosno kompleksnijem prostoru.Cilj ovog rada je da ukaže na oblast u kojoj se značajno mogu unaprediti lokacije, na kojima je potrebno primeniti mere za usporavanje saobraćaja. U radu će biti predstavljene tehničke mere, koje obuhvataju građevinske intervencije kroz promenu geometrije puta, kao i postavljanje adekvatne saobraćajne opreme i odgovarajuće signalizacije.Ovakav pristup je i rezultat završnog izveštaja Projekta iRAP Srbija 2008/2009. U pomenutom izveštaju tehničke mere za usporavanje saobraćaja su prepoznate u grupi najznačajnijih mera za unapređenje bezbedosti saobraćaja na putevima i predložene za imlementaciju na državnim putevima Republike Srbije.

Ključne reči: tehničke mere, usporavanje saobraćaja, bezbednost saobraćaja, državni put, naselje

Abstract: Traffic calming measures are designed to protect the non-motorized, vulnerable traffic participants, as well as to ensure reduction of vehicle speed. Technical solutions implemented on the road network should fulfill the contemporary requirements as regards the active and passive safety, and they have to be efficient and recognized by all traffic participants.In national legislation and practice, these technical measures include the application of vertical obstacles, unlike the experience shared in European countries, where the approach for resolving this type of issues is based on a wider, i.e. more complex area.The objective of this paper is to indicate the area in which the issue of locations on which traffic calming measures should be applied, can be resolved and significantly improved. The paper presents the technical measures, which include civil engineering procedures implying the change in road geometry and placement of a proper traffic equipment and pavement markings and traffic signs.Such an approach represents the result of the Final Report of the 2008/2009 iRAP Project in Serbia. Traffic calming measures are recognized in this report, namely within the group of the most important measures for traffic safety improvement, and they are proposed to be implemented on the state roads in the Republic of Serbia.

Keywords: technical measures, traffic calming, traffic safety, state road, urban area

Presented by: Vlado Rakočević

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Road Safety 2011-2020