Krsto Lipovac, Emir Smailović, Lazar Savković
Lipovac, K., Smailović, E., Savković, L., (2019). Specifičnosti provere bezbednosti saobraćaja ulica u gradu. 14 th International Conference - Road Safety in Local Communities, .
Rezime: Savremeni pristup unapređenju bezbednosti infrastrukture podrazumeva da se sprovode savremene procedure unapređenja bezbednosti saobraćaja u svim fazama životnog ciklusa puta, od faze planiranja, preko projektovanja i izgradnje, do održavanja puta. Mada se Direktiva EU 2008/96 odnosi prvenstveno na transevropsku putnu mrežu (TEN) i na primarne saobraćajnice koje izlaze na TEN puteve, savremeni pristup unapređenju bezbednosti infrastrukture daje odlične rezultate i ako se primeni na ulice u gradovima. Jedna od najvažnijih procedura čiji cilj je unapređenje bezbednosti postojećih puteva je provera bezbednosti saobraćaja (PBS). Naime, kod PBS na putevima i ulicama u naselju, specifični su učesnici saobraćaja, posebno je često prisustvo ranjivih učesnika u saobraćaju. Specifični su i problemi bezbednosti saobraćaja: česte su raskrsnice sa različitim načinima regulisanja saobraćaja, u saobraćaju su prisutne različite vrste putovanja, istaknut je problem ukrštanja i prelaska ulice, vozači teško prihvataju ograničenja brzine, ima mnogo više konflikata u saobraćaju itd. Konačno, specifične su i preporuke u cilju unapređenja bezbednosti infrastrukture: na ulasku u naselje neophodne su mere smirivanja saobraćaja, neophodno je optimizovati regulisanje saobraćaja na raskrsnicama, obezbediti bezbednost pešacima, urediti posebne zone, urediti stajališta javnog prevoza, osvetliti ulice itd. Na primeru puteva i ulica u Zrenjaninu, sagledane su specifičnosti PBS u naselju, u odnosu na PBS na putevima van naselja.

Ključne reči: provera bezbednosti saobraćaja, gradski uslovi, Zrenjanin, uticaj puta, upravljanje putnom mrežom

Abstract: The modern approach to improving the safety of the infrastructure implies the implementation of modern procedures for improving road safety at all stages of the life cycle, from the planning stage, through design and construction, to the maintenance of the road. Although EU Directive 2008/96 relates primarily to the Trans-European road Network (TEN) and to primary roads that exit to TEN roads, the modern approach to improving infrastructure safety provides excellent results and applies to urban streets. One of the most important procedures aimed at improving the safety of existing roads is the Road Safety Inspection (RSI). Namely, for RSI on roads and streets in the settlement, traffic participants are specific, especially the presence of vulnerable road users in particular. Road safety problems are also specific: frequent intersections with different modes of regulation, different types of travel are present in traffic, the problem of the intersection and crossing the street is marked, it’s difficult to drivers to accept speed limits, there is much more traffic congestion, etc. Finally, specific recommendations are also being made in order to improve the safety of the infrastructure: when entering the settlement, traffic calming measures are necessary, it is necessary to optimize the regulation of traffic at intersections, to ensure the pedestrian safety, to regulate the special zones, to regulate the public transport stops, to illuminate the streets etc. For the example of roads and streets in Zrenjanin, the specificities of RSI in the settlement were considered, compared to RSI on roads outside settlement.

Keywords: Road Safety Inspection, urban area, Zrenjanin, impact of road, network management

Presented by: Emir Smailović

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Decade of Action for
Road Safety 2011-2020