Boris Antić, Lazar Savković, Milan Božović
Antić, B., Savković, L., Božović, M., (2019). PROVERA BEZBEDNOSTI SAOBRAĆAJA NA PUTEVIMA VAN NASELJA. 14 th International Conference - Road Safety in Local Communities, .
Rezime: Unaprediti stanje bezbednosti saobraćaja u nekoj državi ili na nekoj teritoriji, potrebno je pored delovanja na stavove i ponašanje učesnika u saobraćaju unapređivati bezbednost puta, odnosno infrastrukturne elemente. Osnovu unapređenja bezbednosti puta predstavlja alat – provera bezbednosti saobraćaja (PBS), koji podrazumeva sagledavanje elementa puta koji mogu uticati na nastanak ili težinu posledica saobraćajne nezgode. Pri sprovođenju PBS, pitanja koja značajno zaokupljuju pažnju istraživača su ocena stepena rizika uočenih nedostataka na bezbedno odvijanje saobraćaja i predlaganje mera kojima bi se otklonili uočeni nedostaci puta. Zbog preklapanja funkcije puteva, u pogledu daljinskog povezivanja i lokalnog opsluživanja, mere unapređenja bezbednosti saobraćaja nekada nije moguće jednoznačno definisati. U ovom radu prikazana je metodologija vršenja PBS na putevima van naselja, na primeru državnih puteva u Rasinskom okrugu. Na osnovu uočenih problema puta sa aspekta bezbednosti saobraćaja razmatrane su mere unapređenja bezbednosti puta, sa posebnim osvrtom na usklađivanje različitih zahteva funkcije puta.

Ključne reči: provera bezbednosti saobraćaja, putevi van naselja, uticaj puta, funkcija puta, stepen opasnosti

Abstract: To improve the state of traffic safety in a country or territory, it is necessary, in addition, to affect on the attitudes and behaviors of traffic participants, to improve the road safety or infrastructure elements. The basis for road safety improvement is the Road Safety Inspection (RSI) tool, which includes perceiving at the elements of the road that can affect the occurrence or severity of the consequences of a traffic accident. In the implementation of RSI, issues that significantly concern the inspector's attention are the risk assessment of the observed deficiencies for the safer traffic and the proposing of measures to eliminate the identified deficiency of the road. Due to the overlapping of the road function, in terms of distance connection and local servicing, measures for improving traffic safety cannot be uniquely defined. This paper presents the methodology for performing RSI on roads outside the settlement, on the example of state roads in the district Rasina. Based on the observed problems of the road from the aspect of traffic safety, measures for improving the road safety have been considered, with special emphasis on harmonization of different requirements of the road function.

Keywords: Road Safety Inspection, Road outside the settlement, Impact of road, Road function, Degree of danger

Presented by: Lazar Savković

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Decade of Action for
Road Safety 2011-2020