Jelica Davidović, Petar Krasić, Miljan Lazarević, Petar Pantelinac
Davidović, J., Krasić, P., Lazarević, M., Pantelinac, P., (2019). Analiza stanja bezbednosti saobraćaja u Subotici. 14 th International Conference - Road Safety in Local Communities, .
Rezime: Stradanje u saobraćaju je, pre svega, javni zdravstveni problem, a zatim socijalni, etički, humani i ekonomski problem zajednice. Naime, u saobraćaju veliki broj ljudi gine i biva povređen, a neki od njih ostaju trajni invalidi. To značajno narušava zdravlje ljudi, razara porodice, stvara socijalne i humane probleme. Konačno, ogromne društveno-ekonomske troškove saobraćajnih nezgoda plaća privreda, što ometa ekonomski razvoj zajednice. U Subotici je prepoznat značaj i mogućnosti strateškog upravljanja bezbednošću saobraćaja, a u cilju strateškog upravljanja bezbednošću saobraćaja sprovedena je analiza postojećeg stanja. U cilju utvrđivanja postojećeg stanja bezbednosti saobraćaja u Subotici izvršena je analiza stavova učesnika u saobraćaju o opasnostima i rizicima u saobraćaju u Subotici, analiza indikatora bezbednosti saobraćaja, kao i analiza saobraćajnih nezgoda. Na osnovu prikazanog postojećeg stanja i poređenja sa rezultatima na nacionalnom nivou u radu su prikazane ključne oblasti rada za poboljšanje stanja bezbednosti saobraćaja na području grada Subotice.

Ključne reči: analiza postojećeg stanja, bezbednost saobraćaja, Subotica, stavovi, indikatori bezbednosti saobraćaja

Abstract: Traffic injuries are, first and foremost, a public health problem, and then the social, ethical, human and economic problem of the community. Namely, in traffic, a large number of people die and get injured, and some of them remain permanent invalids. This significantly worsening human health, destroys families, creates social and human problems. Finally, the huge socio-economic costs of traffic accidents pay the economy, which hinders the economic development of the community. In the city of Subotica, the importance and possibilities of strategic traffic safety management were recognized, and for the purpose of strategic traffic safety management, an analysis of the current state was carried out. In order to determine the current state of traffic safety in the city of Subotica, an analysis were made of the attitudes of traffic participants on hazards and risks in traffic in the city of Subotica, analysis of safety performance indicators, as well as analysis of traffic accidents. Based on the presented state of the situation and the comparison with the results at the national level, the paper presents the key areas of work for improving the traffic safety state in the city of Subotica.

Keywords: аnalysis of the current state, traffic safety, Subotica, attitudes, safety performance indicators

Presented by: Petar Pantelinac

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Decade of Action for
Road Safety 2011-2020