Ana Trpković, Sreten Jevremović, Miloš Milosavljević
Trpković, A., Jevremović, S., Milosavljević, M., (2019). PRIMENA KONCEPTA HUMANOG INŽENJERINGA U ZONAMA ŠKOLA. 14 th International Conference - Road Safety in Local Communities, .
"Zone škola" se često izdvajaju, kao projektantski i upravljački, veoma zahtevne lokacije. Najpre zbog karakteristika kretanja, strukture i bezbednosti korisnika u ovim zonama, umirenog dinamičkog saobraćaja, ali i probelma neadekvatno rešenog stacionarnog saobraćaja. Dodatnu teškoću često predstavljaju i "Zone 30", koje najčešće obuhvataju "Zone škola", ili su im lokacijski veoma bliske. Iz pomenutih razloga tipična saobraćajna rešenja, koja se oslanjaju isključivo na upotrebu standardne saobraćajne signalizacije i opreme predviđene domaćom regulativom, ne daju željeni rezultat po pitanju bezbednog uređenja navedenih zona. S toga je na pomenutim lokacijama neophodan drugačiji pristup saobraćajnom obilkovanju prostora, uz primenu intuitivno logičnih i jednostavnih rešenja za sve učesnike u saobraćaju, a posebno za decu, imajući u vidu njihovo ponašanje i karakteristike. Svetski projektantski trendovi godinama u nazad daju interesantne odgovore za ove probleme. Ideja koja će biti prikazana u ovom radu je primena Humanog inženjeringa, koncepta koji se u osnovi fokusira na čoveka i okreće stvarnim zahtevima i problemima koje imaju korisnici. Cilj rada je da se upoznavanjem sa konceptom Humanog inženjeringa, ukaže na sve prednosti koje ovakav pristup može da pruži na konkretnim lokacijama. U radu će takođe biti analizirane mikrolokacije dve izabrane škole na području grada Beograda, sa predlogom potencijalnih projektantskih rešenja, u skladu sa ovim konceptom Humanog inženjeringa. Ceo rad oslanja se na ideju unapređenja komunikacije i bezbednosti učesnika u saobraćaju i stvaranja komfornog, prijatnog i bezbednog okruženja za sve korisnike.
Ključne reči:
zona škole, bezbednost saobraćaja, saobraćajno projektovanje, humani inženjering
"School Zones" are often distinguished as design and management, very demanding locations. First of all, due to the characteristics of the movement, structure and safety of users, calm dynamical traffic, as well as the problem of inadequately resolved stationary traffic. Additional difficulties are locations of "Zone 30", which most often include "School Zones" or are very close to their location. For these reasons, typical traffic solutions, which rely solely on the use of standard traffic signaling and equipment provided by domestic regulations, do not give the desired result regarding the safe arrangement of these zones. Thus, in these locations, a different approach is needed, using intuitive logical and simple solutions for all traffic participants, especially for children, given their behavior and characteristics. World-wide design trends have, for years, provided interesting answers to these problems. The idea that will be presented in this paper is the application of Human Engineering, a concept that basically focuses on a user and turns to the real demands and problems that users have. The aim of the paper is to get acquainted with the mentioned concept, pointing out all the advantages that such an approach can provide. The paper will also analyze the microlocations of the two selected schools in the city of Belgrade, with the proposal of potential design solutions, in accordance with concept of Human Engineering. The whole work relies on the idea of improving the communication and safety of participants in traffic and creating safe, comfortable and pleasant environment for all users.
school zone, traffic safety, traffic design, human engineering
Presented by:
Sreten Jevremović
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