Milena Simić
Simić, M., (2019). Istraživanje mogućnosti za ugradnju led markera za obeležavanje pešačkog prelaza. 14 th International Conference - Road Safety in Local Communities, .
Rezime: Razvijene zemlje u svetu se trude da primenom različitih mera navedu pešake da u što većoj meri ulicu prelaze na obeleženom pešačkom prelazu a vozače da u što većoj meri propuštaju pešake na ovakvim mestima. Jedna od mera koja se pokazala kao jako uspešna u ovim zemljama jeste obeležavanje nesemaforizovanog pešačkog prelaza led markerima za bolje uočavanje. Svetska iskustva su pokazala da se nakon primene ove mere značajno povećao broj vozača koji propuštaju pešake na ovakvim pešačkim prelazima i značajno se povećao broj pešaka koji prelazi ulicu na ovako obeleženim pešačkim prelazima. Takođe, strani autori su utvrdili da ova mera ima dugoročne efekte. U ovom radu je istraživana mogućnost za ugradnju led markera za obeležavanje pešačkog prelaza u Prokuplju. Primenom trorepernog sistema analize utvrđeno je da na konkretnom pešačkom prelazu bezbednost pešaka na veoma lošem nivou i da je neophodno primeniti određene mere koje bi poboljšale uočljivost pešaka na pešačkom prelazu, jedna od kvalitetnih mera koja bi pokazala dobre rezultate jeste ugradnja led markera. Pored sprovedenih istraživanja potrebno je pre same odluke i ugradnje sprovesti dodatna istraživanja koja strani autori savetuju. Preporuke date ovim radom, mogu biti primenljive na području svake lokalne zajednice gde postoje slični ili isti problemi.

Ključne reči: Pešaci, Vozači, Pešački prelaz sa led markerima, Prokuplje.

Abstract: The developed countries in the world are trying to use different measures to provide pedestrians to cross the street as much as possible on a marked pedestrian crossing, and the drivers to pass as many pedestrians as possible in these places. One of the measures that have been proven to be very successful in these countries is to mark the non-signalized pedestrian crossing with In-road Warning Light (IRWL) for better visibility. World experience has shown that after the implementation of this measure, the number of drivers which stop and pass pedestrian while crossing the street on crossings has significantly increased, and the number of pedestrians crossing the street at such marked pedestrian crossings has increased significantly. Also, the authors have determined that this measure has long-term effects. In this paper, it has been investigated the possibility of installing IRWL at the pedestrian crossing in the city of Prokuplje. Using the triple analysis system, it was found that on a concrete pedestrian crossing, the pedestrian safety is at a very poor level and that it is necessary to implement certain measures that would improve pedestrian visibility at the pedestrian crossing, one of the quality measures that would show good results is the installation of IRWL. The recommendations given with this paper can be applied in the area of each local community where similar or the same problems exist.

Keywords: Pedestrians, Drivers, Pedestrian Crossing with IRWL, Prokuplje

Presented by: Milena Simić

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