Ivan Jagatić, Vlado Bužanić, Marko Šoštarić, Slaviša Babić
Jagatić, I., Bužanić, V., Šoštarić, M., Babić, S., (2014). Revizori cestovne sigurnosti kao faktor povećanja sigurnosti prometa u lokalnim zajednicama. 9 th International Conference - Road Safety in Local Communities, Zaječar.
Rezime: Europska komisija iskazala je potrebu za ocjenjivanjem utjecaja na cestovnu sigurnost i za provođenjem kontrole sigurnosti na cestama, a u cilju prepolovljena broja poginulih u prometnim nesrećama. Iz tog razloga usvaja se Direktiva 2008/96/EC o sigurnosti cestovne infrastrukture. Namjena Direktive je osiguravanje odgovarajuće razine sigurnosti prometa tijekom cijelog životnog ciklusa ceste koje su dio transeuropske cestovne mreže, počevši od planiranja, projektiranja, gradnje pa do održavanja ceste koja je već u eksploataciji. Direktivom se definira i "revizija cestovne sigurnosti" i to kao neovisna, detaljna, sustavna, tehnička analiza sigurnosti prometa, a koja pokriva sve etape od planiranja do početnog upravljanja prometnicom. Nadalje, Direktivom se definira pojam revizora cestovne sigurnosti te obveza država članica imenovanja revizora za potrebe provođenja revizije sigurnosti cestovne infrastrukture. Obzirom da transeuropsku cestovnu mrežu u Republici Hrvatskoj čine autoceste, podatak da se godišnje u prosjeku na autocestama dogodi samo 5% svih prometnih nesreća u Republici Hrvatskoj, i u kojima smrtno strada 11,5% (45 od 393) svih smrtno stradalih, jasno govori da je mjere propisane Direktivom, pa tako i reviziju cestovne sigurnosti, neophodno proširiti i na ceste nižih kategorija na kojima se događa ostalih 95% prometnih nesreća (i u kojima smrtno strada 88,5% od ukupnog broja).

Ključne reči: Direktiva 2008/96/EC; sigurnost cestovne infrastrukture; revizor cestovne sigurnosti,

Abstract: The European Commission expressed the need for evaluating the impact on road safety and the implementation of control of road safety in order to cut in half the number of deaths in traffic accidents. For this reason it is adopted the Directive 2008/96/EC on the safety of road infrastructure.The purpose of the Directive is to ensure an appropriate level of traffic safety throughout the life cycle roads that are part of the trans-European road network, starting from planning, design, construction and maintenance to the road that is already in operation. The Directive defines "road safety audit" and that as an independent, detailed, systematic, technical analysis of traffic safety, which covers all stages from planning to initial management of road. Furthermore, the Directive defines the concept of auditors of road safety and the Member States' obligation to appoint auditors for the purpose of auditing the safety of road infrastructure.Since the trans-European road network in the Republic of Croatia is the highway, the fact that the average year on the highways happens only 5% of all road accidents in the Republic of Croatia, in which people are killed 11.5% (45 of 393) of all fatalities, clearly shows that the measures prescribed by the Directive, including the revision of road safety, it is necessary to extend the road to the lower category in which there are the other 95% of road accidents (in which people are killed 88.5% of the total).

Keywords: Directive 2008/96/EC; safety of road infrastructure; auditor of road safety

Presented by: Slaviša Babić

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Decade of Action for
Road Safety 2011-2020