Osman Lindov, Adnan Tatarević, Adnan Alikadić, Adem Zolj
Lindov, O., Tatarević, A., Alikadić, A., Zolj, A., (2014). PRILOG POVEĆANJU BEZBJEDNOSTI SAOBRAĆAJA NA KRUŽNIM RASKRSNICAMA. 9 th International Conference - Road Safety in Local Communities, Zaječar.
Rezime: Primjena i uvođenje kružnih raskrsnica, je najkompleksnija u gradskim sredinama, gdje postoji nedostatak prostornih kapaciteta, te se izgradnja prilagođava postojećem stanju bez poštivanja zakonskih odredbi i standarda za izgradnju. Cilj ovog rada je da se da doprinos svim onima koji se bave planiranjem i projektovanjem saobraćaja, a prevashodno istraživačima kojima kružne raskrsnice predstavljaju predmet istraživanja i interesovanja. Svima je cilj efikasno i bezbjedno odvijanje saobraćaja, međutim izgradnja kružnih raskrsnica pored svih svojih prednosti se mora raditi u skladu s propisima i standardima, gdje svakako treba koristiti ranija iskustava zemalja koje su prepoznale i izgradile mnoge kružne raskrsnice. Svakoj kružnoj raskrsnici trebamo pristupati sa svim njenim specifičnostima, a pokušati iskoristiti sve uočene nedostatke kod istih ili sličnih kružnih raskrsnica.

Ključne reči: indikator, bezbjednost, projektovanje, kružne raskrsnice

Abstract: Application and introduction of roundabouts, is the most complex urban environments, where very often we have a disadvantage in spatial construction adapts existing state without complying with the legal provisions and standards for construction. The aim of this paper is to contribute to all those who are engaged in planning and designing of traffic, primarily persons who roundabouts a subject of research and interests. Everyone's goal of efficient and safe flow of traffic, however the construction of roundabouts in addition to all its benefits must be done in accordance with regulations and standards, where we should use the earlier experiences of countries that have recognized this and have built a lot of roundabouts. Each roundabouts we need access to all its specifics, and try to use all the deficiencies identified in the same or similar roundabouts.

Keywords: indicator, safety, designing, roundabout

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Road Safety 2011-2020