Dušan Miletić, Boris Antić, Dalibor Pešić
Miletić, D., Antić, B., Pešić, D., (2017). Analiza ugroženosti starijih lica u Beogradu. 12 th International Conference - Road Safety in Local Communities, Tara.
Rezime: Stara lica predstavljaju jednu od najranjivijih grupa učesnika u saobraćaju. Sa stabilnim povećanjem starije populacije, problem bezbednosti starih lica u saobraćaju raste i zahteva hitno rešavanje. Podaci Agencije za bezbednost saobraćaja ukazuju da su u periodu od 2011. do 2015. godine 50% poginulih pešaka činila lica starija od 65 godina. Ono što stara lica čini posebno ranjivom grupom učesnika su njihove psihofizičke karakteristike koje predstavljaju posebno ograničenje za njihovo bezbedno učešće u saobraćaju. Takođe, njihova sposobnost apsorpcije povreda koje nastaju u saobraćajnim nezgodama je slabija u odnosu na mlađu populaciju što doprinosi njihovoj posebnoj ranjivosti dok je istovremeno oporavak od posledica saobraćajnih nezgoda teži i vremenski duži u odnosu na mlađu populaciju. U ovom radu prikazana je analiza ugroženosti starih lica sa više aspekata odnosno sprovedena je sveobuhvatna analiza kako bi se utvrdila veličina problema kao i mogućnosti za unapređenje bezbednosti starih lica na teritoriji grada Beograda.

Ključne reči: bezbednost starih lica, stariji vozači, stariji pešaci, grad Beograd, unapređenje bezbednosti starih lica

Abstract: Elderly people represent one of the most vulnerable group of road users. With steady increase in number of elderly population, the problem of road safety of elderly raises. Data from the Road Safety Agency show that in the period from 2011-2015. about 50% of pedestrians killed in traffic were elderly people above 65 years of age. What makes elderly people especially vulnerable road users are their psychophysical characteristics which represent special limitations for their safe participation in traffic. Also, their ability to absorb injuries which occur in traffic accidents are lesser in comparison to the younger population which contributes to their special vulnerability while at the same time their rehabilitation is more difficult and they require longer periods of time to recover from injuries caused from participation in traffic accidents. This paper shows the analysis of vulnerability of elderly people from multiple aspects respectively a comprehensive analysis has been conducted to identify the magnitude of the problem as well as possibilities for improvement of safety of elderly people in traffic in the city of Belgrade.

Keywords: safety of elderly in traffic, elder drivers, elder pedestrian, Belgrade, improvement of safety of elderly people in traffic

Presented by: Boris Antić

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Decade of Action for
Road Safety 2011-2020