Emir Smailović, Marija Dotto, Dalibor Pešić, Miloš Milosavljević
Smailović, E., Dotto, M., Pešić, D., Milosavljević, M., (2019). UTICAJ IZGRADNJE PUTEVA SA FIZIČKI RAZDVOJENIM KOLOVOZIMA NA BEZBEDNOST SAOBRAĆAJA. 14 th International Conference - Road Safety in Local Communities, .
Rezime: Poprečni profil puta u pogledu fizički razdvojenih kolovoza i elementa pasivne bezbednosti imaju značajan uticaj na bezbednost saobraćaja predmetnog puta. U literaturi se put sa dva razdvojena kolovoza najčešće povezuje sa unapređenjem bezbednosti saobraćaja, pri čemu se pre svega ističe smanjenje broja čeonih sudara, koji su karakteristični za dvotračne puteve. Putevi sa dva razdvojena kolovoza se, u odnosu da dvotračne puteve, razlikuju i po pitanju većih brzina saobraćajnog toka, što sa druge strane ima negativan efekat na bezbednost saobraćaja. Pored aspekta bezbednosti saobraćaja, izgradnja puteva sa dva razdvojena kolovoza ima broje efekte na društveno-ekonomski razvoj. U ovom radu prikazan je efekat izgradnje puta sa dva razdvojena kolovoza na stanje bezbednosti saobraćaja predmetne deonice. Na primeru izgradnje puta autoputa LJig-Preljina izvršena je analiza efekata na bezbednost, za deonicu na kojoj je izgrađen autoput. Razmatrani su efekti izgradnje puta sa fizički razdvojenim kolovozima na broj i posledice saobraćajnih nezgoda, kao i efekti promene obima i strukture saobraćajnog toka na stanje bezbednosti saobraćaja. Ova studija ima značajan doprinos pravilnom sagledavanjem efekata izgradnje puteva sa fizičkim kolovozima na stanje bezbednosti saobraćaja, a samim tim i na odgovarajuće vrednovanje „troškova“ izgradnje infrastrukture. Studija je značajna sa više aspekata, od čega se posebno izdvaja optimalna projekcija društveno-ekonomskih efekata izgradnje infrastrukture.

Ključne reči: poprečni profil puta, fizički odvojeni kolovozi, struktura saobraćajnog toka, bezbednost saobraćaja, efekat.

Abstract: The cross-section of the road with regard to dual carriageway and passive safety elements have a significant impact on the traffic safety of the section road. In the literature, the divided road is most often associated with the improvement of traffic safety, with the emphasis on reducing the number of frontal collisions, which are characteristic of two-way roads. Divided roads, in relation to the two-way roads, are also different in terms of higher speeds of the traffic flow, which on the other hand has a negative effect on traffic safety. Apart from the aspect of traffic safety, the construction of dual carriageway roads have a few number of effects on socio-economic development. This study showns the effect of construction dual carriageway roads on the traffic safety for the given section. For the case of the construction of the Ljig-Preljina highway, an analysis of the effects on the traffic safety, the sections for which the motorway was built, was performed. The effects of divided road construction on the number and severity of traffic accident, as well as the effects of changing the flow rate and traffic flow structure on the traffic safety were considered. This study has made a significant contribution to the proper understanding of the effects of building divided roads on the traffic safety, and hence to the proper evaluation of the costs of infrastructure construction. The study is significant with several aspects, from which the optimum projection of the socio-economic effects of infrastructure construction is specially highlighted.

Keywords: dual carriageway, divided road, traffic flow structure, traffic safety, impact.

Presented by: Emir Smailović

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Decade of Action for
Road Safety 2011-2020